Selected outcomes in 2021

During working and utilization of our large research infrastructure were created plenty of unique outcomes. Here we mention some of them:

Chosen results achieved by the operator of the LRI:

  • Dundr P., Cibula D., Doležel M., Fabián P., Fínek J., Jirásek T., Matěj R., Petruželka L., Rob L., Ryška A., Švajdler M., Weinberger V., Zikán M. Molecular testing in endometrial carcinoma (Joint recommendation of Czech Oncological Society, Oncogynecological Section of the Czech Gynecological and Obstetrical Society, Society of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, and the Society of Czech Pathologists). Klin Onkol. 2021;34(4):321-328. (no IF; Q4)
  • Dundr P., Matěj R., Ryška A., Prausová J., Fínek J., Petruželka L., Stružinská I. The possibilities of molecular testing of somatic aberrations in tumor tissue using NGS in routine practice - current situation in the Czech Republic. Cesk Patol. 2021;57(3):147-149. (no IF; Q4)
  • Dundr P., Gregová M., Bártů M., Zimovjanová M., Petruželka L., Bielčiková Z., Fabián P., Matěj R., Ryška A., Němejcová K. Review of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes assessment in breast cancer in routine diagnostic practice. Česko-slovenská patologie a Soudní lékařství. 2021, 57(3), 161-166. (no IF; Q4)
  • Kinkorová J. Education for future biobankers - The state-of-the-art and outlook. EPMA J. 2021 Mar 10;12(1):15–25. doi: 10.1007/s13167-021-00234-5. (IF2020: 6,543; Q1)
  • Reihs R, Proynova R, Maqsood S, Ataian M, Lablans M, Quinlan PR, Lawrence E, Bowman E, van Enckevort E, Bučík DF, Müller H, Holub P. BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator: Implementing Efficient Access to Biobanks. Biopreserv Biobank. 2021 Oct;19(5):414-421. doi: 10.1089/bio.2020.0144. (IF2020: 2,300; Q4)
  • Šimánek V, Pecen L, Krátká Z, Fürst T, Řezáčková H, Topolčan O, Fajfrlík K, Sedláček D, Šín R, Pazdiora P, Zelená H, Slouka D, Kučera R. Five Commercial Immunoassays for SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Determination and Their Comparison and Correlation with the Virus Neutralization Test. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Mar 25;11(4):593. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11040593. (IF2020: 3,706; Q2)
  • Vošmik M., Klozar J., Laco J. Consensus recommendations from the Czech Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group (2019): definition of surgical margins status, neck dissection reporting, and HPV/p16 status assessment. Cesk Patol. 2021;57(1):53-56. (no IF; Q4)

Výběr uživatelských publikací (uživatelské publikace jsou ty, které použijí vzorky/data z biobanky k vlastním projektům a výzkumu). Níže je vybráno 10 publikací:

  • Izadi N, Sebuyoya R, Moranova L, Hrstka R, Anton M, Bartosik M. Electrochemical bioassay coupled to LAMP reaction for determination of high-risk HPV infection in crude lysates. Anal Chim Acta. 2021 Dec 1;1187:339145. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2021.339145. (IF2020: 6,558; Q1)
  • Holanek, M., Selingerova, I., Bilek, O., Kazda, T., Fabian, P., Foretova, L., Zvarikova, M., Obermannova, R., Kolouskova, I., Coufal, O., Petrakova, K., Svoboda, M., Poprach, A. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Evaluation of Early Clinical Response, Pathological Complete Response Rates, and Addition of Platinum Salts Benefit Based on Real-World Evidence. Cancers (Basel) 2021;13(7):1586. doi: 10.3390/cancers13071586. (IF2020: 6,639; Q1)
  • Kilmartin D, O'Loughlin M, Andreu X, Bagó-Horváth Z, Bianchi S, Chmielik E, Cserni G, Figueiredo P, Floris G, Foschini MP, Kovács A, Heikkilä P, Kulka J, Laenkholm AV, Liepniece-Karele I, Marchiò C, Provenzano E, Regitnig P, Reiner A, Ryška A, Sapino A, Specht Stovgaard E, Quinn C, Zolota V, Webber M, Roshan D, Glynn SA, Callagy G. Intra-Tumour Heterogeneity Is One of the Main Sources of Inter-Observer Variation in Scoring Stromal Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Aug 31;13(17):4410. doi: 10.3390/cancers13174410. (IF2020: 6,639; Q1)
  • Lang-Schwarz C, Angeloni M, Agaimy A, Atreya R, Becker C, Dregelies T, Danese S, Fléjou JF, Gaßler N, Grabsch HI, Hartmann A, Kamarádová K, Kühl AA, Lauwers GY, Lugli A, Nagtegaal I, Neurath MF, Oberhuber G, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Rath T, Riddell R, Rubio CA, Sheahan K, Siegmund B, Tilg H, Villanacci V, Westerhoff M, Ferrazzi F, Vieth M. Validation of the 'Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Distribution, Chronicity, Activity [IBD-DCA] Score' for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn´s Disease. J Crohns Colitis. 2021 Oct 7;15(10):1621-1630. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab055. (IF2020: 9,071; Q1)
  • Lobello C, Tichy B, Bystry V, Radova L, Filip D, Mraz M, Montes-Mojarro IA, Prokoph N, Larose H, Liang HC, Sharma GG, Mologni L, Belada D, Kamaradova K, Fend F, Gambacorti-Passerini C, Merkel O, Turner SD, Janikova A, Pospisilova S. STAT3 and TP53 mutations associate with poor prognosis in anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Leukemia. 2021 May;35(5):1500-1505. doi: 10.1038/s41375-020-01093-1. (IF2020: 11,528; Q1)
  • Navrátilová A, Andrés Cerezo L, Hulejová H, Bečvář V, Tomčík M, Komarc M, Veigl D, Tegzová D, Závada J, Olejárová M, Pavelka K, Vencovský J, Šenolt L. IL-40: A New B Cell-Associated Cytokine Up-Regulated in Rheumatoid Arthritis Decreases Following the Rituximab Therapy and Correlates With Disease Activity, Autoantibodies, and NETosis. Front Immunol. 2021 Oct 21;12:745523. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.745523. (IF2020: 7,561; Q1)
  • Obermannova R., Selingerova I., Rehak Z., Jedlicka V., Slavik M., Fabian P., Novotny I., Zemanova M., Studentova H., Grell P., Zdrazilova Dubska L., Demlova R., Harustiak T., Hejnova R., Kiss I., Vyzula R. PET/CT-tailored treatment of locally advanced oesophago-gastric junction adenocarcinoma: a report on the feasibility of the multicenter GastroPET study. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2021. (IF2020: 8,168; Q1)
  • Ramos H, Soares MIL, Silva J, Raimundo L, Calheiros J, Gomes C, Reis F, Monteiro FA, Nunes C, Reis S, Bosco B, Piazza S, Domingues L, Chlapek P, Vlcek P, Fabian P, Rajado AT, Carvalho ATP, Veselska R, Inga A, Pinho E Melo TMVD, Saraiva L. A selective p53 activator and anticancer agent to improve colorectal cancer therapy. Cell Rep. 2021 Apr 13;35(2):108982. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108982. (IF2020: 9,423; Q1)
  • Zwinsová, B., Petrov, V.A., Hrivňáková, M., Smatana, S., Micenková, L., Kazdová, N., Popovici, V., Hrstka, R., Šefr, R., Bencsiková, B., Zdražilová-Dubská, L., Brychtová, V., Nenutil, R., Vídeňská, P., Budinská, E. Colorectal Tumour Mucosa Microbiome Is Enriched in Oral Pathogens and Defines Three Subtypes That Correlate with Markers of Tumour Progression. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13(19):4799. doi: 10.3390/cancers13194799. (IF2020: 6,639; Q1)

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