Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute
Biobank of Biological Material
The biobank at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (MMCI) was formally established in 2000 and was supported by institutional funding. In 2004 the local hospital information system was extended by biobank information management module that keeps records of the stored biological materials and associates them to the appropriate clinical and laboratory data. In 2010, the project, called "Bank of Clinical Specimens focused on cancer", was initiated and the MMCI becames a partner and a coordinator of Czech National Node of Biobanks (BBMRI.CZ) within the ongoing European research infrastructure for biobanking (BBMRI-ERIC).
The biobank at the MMCI has been accredited in accordance with the requirements of ISO 20387:2021 Biotechnology-Biobanks.

Biobank Director and LRI Principal Investigator
Roman Hrstka
+420 543 133 306
Biobank Coordinator
Eva Růčková
+420 543 133 318
At our biobank you can find samples donated by patients with various types of tumours: breast cancer, cancer of urinogenital tract, female and male reproductive organs cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, melanomas and rare cancer, as well as samples originated from healthy persons.
In our collections are available samples of these material types:
tissues, serum, plazma, primocultures, PBMNC (Peripherial Blood Mononuclear Cells), DNA and RNA.
Details about provided samples and materials are listed in the worldwide biggest catalogue, BBMRI-ERIC Directory.